Infrastructure, Simplified

Infrastructure, Simplified

Infrastructure used to be so simple it could essentially be summed up in one word: Mitel. Resellers and channel partners had an easy, seamless, turnkey option for clients. With that turnkey option no longer available, what are the alternatives? Do any offer advantages...
How AI Is Driving Telecommunications

How AI Is Driving Telecommunications

Artificial intelligence, or AI, has the potential to profoundly change the way organizations communicate with members, clients, customers, partners, and staff. “We need AI!” is something we hear regularly. But not everyone has a clear understanding of what AI can do...
How a Private Cloud Can Benefit You

How a Private Cloud Can Benefit You

When it comes to cloud computing, not all clouds are created equal. Many Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS) solutions use public clouds, which offer scalability and savings. As communication systems have evolved, some enterprise organizations built private...